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As a parent, one of the hardest things to do is to say goodbye to your children and leave them for the day.  That being said, there is no other place I feel more comfortable leaving my children for the day, than Holy Cross Academy.  This is our fifth year at HCA, with my oldest being in 4th grade and my middle child in 1st grade this year.  Each year we wrap up the year saying, this was the best year yet.  And each year we are proven wrong, as the next year is just as good...and perhaps even better!?  I appreciate that my children are taught in so many different ways.  From basic spelling tests to hands on STEM projects and creative reports and activities, they are not only learning, but applying what they learn to different aspects of life.  They are challenged, encouraged, supported, and rewarded in a positive and caring environment that ultimately reinforces our religious beliefs and values.   With God at the center and a loving, devoted, and talented staff teaching and caring for my children, it's no wonder that they love school, love learning, and are enjoying building their own special relationship with God.    Each teacher we've had at HCA has more than exceeded our expectations, as they have built a beautiful relationship with each of my children, creating a bond of mutual respect and making them feel special and eager to work toward their full potential.  The close relationships carry throughout the school with my children being greeted every morning by the vice principal and wished a wonderful afternoon on their way home by the principal.  So, while it should be hard to say goodbye to my kids every morning, it is not.  Instead of feeling sad or being full of worry, I enjoy watching them being welcomed for the day by their school family, where I know that they are growing into some remarkable young people!

                                                                                                                                                                  The Sullivan Family, a family since 2013

We’re the Colon-Gonzalez family. We came to this community in 2007, transferring from the Rockville Centre Diocese in Long island, NY on military orders. We were almost certain that a Catholic education was a centerpiece in the formation of our two daughters. In 2009, our daughters commenced attending Holy Cross Academy, grades Kindergarten and Second Grade respectively. After attending a spring open house at HCA, we would never forget the sincere discussion we had with the staff. This dialogue underscored our belief in a rigorous academic program, strengthened by social skills, sports, and more importantly, a Catholic faith-based curriculum. We’ve witnessed the school attain the prestigious National Blue Ribbon designation. This award is a true testament to the leadership of our beloved principal, Sister Susan Louise, along with every staff member, always striving to challenge learning behavior. Besides academic excellence, the early exposure to community service and the tenets of our faith are indicative of a strong foundation for our future leaders. Looking back, now that our oldest has graduated and our youngest is a seventh grader, we’re extremely blessed and grateful to the staff at HCA. We’re certain we made the right choice, as HCA is a great family, with our girls always looking forward to the next day at the school and next activity.

                                                                                                                                                     The Colon-Gonzalez family, a family since 2009

Our kids have been attending Holy Cross Academy for the past 4 years, and we couldn't be happier. Holy Cross Academy is more than an education facility; it's a family, church and community affair. It provides its students with lot of tools and diverse experiences that will not only enrich their minds and keep them academically challenged, but will also enrich their bodies and souls.

Nuestros hijos han asistido a "Holy Cross Academy" por los pasados 4 años.  Nosotros como padres estamos más que felices y satisfechos de haberles dado a nuestros niños la oportunidad de ser estudiantes de "Holy Cross".  "Holy Cross Academy" es mas que una facilidad educativa; es una institución que fomenta e incluye la práctica de la fé Católica, actividades familiares y comunitarias. "Holy Cross" les provee a sus estudiantes  muchas herramientas y experiencias que no solo enriquecen sus mentes y retan sus habilidades académicas, sino que también enriquece su desarollo corporal y más importante aún enriquece sus almas.
 The Santiago Family, a family since 2013

Our family has been part of the Holy Cross Academy community for the past eight years. Our son and daughter are receiving a comprehensive Catholic education, which challenges their minds and enriches their spirits. They have learned the importance of education, the value of human life, and the joy of giving back to the community. During a recent family medical emergency, our HCA family showered us with prayers, assistance, and warm hugs. We are truly blessed to be a part of this wonderful community, and we are grateful to all of the faculty and staff for their tireless dedication to the education and well-being of our children.

— Shannon Bayne, HCA mom since 2007


When I was a four-year-old, I did not know the existence of the English language or of formal schooling. As a student of St. Mary Preschool, the thought of not seeing a family member at school terrified me. After preschool, when I first entered kindergarten, I did not see my dad in the classroom like I was used to, but I accepted it because I was having a delightful time playing with my classmates. I had trouble accepting school culture and struggled with the English language and learning in the classroom. I strongly disliked school until the third grade when I finally understood what my peers and teachers were saying around me. Since then, there has not been a reason for me to dislike school; I got to see my friends everyday! As time went on, I began to realize how blessed I was to be attending a school where all the teachers strive to shape their students academically and spiritually into the proper men and women they ought to be, while receiving a proper Catholic education. Starting in the fifth grade, I decided to commit to one goal: to put my best effort into anything and everything.

To achieve my goal, I used the many values that I had been taught. I learned to love all and forgive anyone who had done me wrong. There was a strong emphasis in my school on commitment, calling everyone to commit to succeed. I was even able to use the values I learned in real-life situations to enlighten others about the Church. I have been able to help people open their eyes about God. 

My parents did not receive this prestigious education when they were younger so when they had the opportunity to give it to my sister and me, they went for it. Occasionally, I would tell them the things that I learned in school and I could see the happiness in their eyes. I am so grateful for this gift they have been giving to me since my first day at preschool. It was an absolute privilege to attend St. Mary Preschool and Holy Cross Academy. Furthermore, I am now continuing my Catholic education at a local Catholic high school. Our parish school will always have a place in my heart; it is my second home.
                                                                                                                                                                                               — An, HCA alumnus 2013


Our sons have been students since kindergarten and will both graduate over the next 3 years. My husband and I appreciate the sense of community and family fostered by Holy Cross Academy. Along with spiritual growth and maturity in faith; my children build skills for life, while establishing valued friendships. The faculty dedication and commitment to the students promotes growth, and reinforces family values.

— Lyn Duboski, HCA mom since 2007


Our four girls have been in the HCA school system for eight years now. Beginning in pre-school, our children were loved, nurtured and educated in a creative and stimulating atmosphere. We decided to continue their elementary education at Holy Cross Academy. It has been a decision that we have neither doubted nor regretted. When I drop the girls off in the morning, I truly feel as though they are entering a second family home. Our values are built upon and enhanced while they are in school. Our girls are flourishing in this faith filled environment that continues to challenge them academically. Students can learn math facts and spelling words at any school but to be able to do so at a school that puts education into focus with a Catholic foundation is a privilege.

— Janine Hanson, HCA mom since 2008


I grew up at Holy Cross Academy. I received an excellent education from kindergarten until eighth grade academically. I was also taught the pillars of the Catholic faith. The backbone of the school was the faith we shared in God and His love. This common idea permeated the entire school. Every student knew that God had a purpose for each one of us. In order to fulfill whatever role He had for us, we needed to be the best possible people we could be. Being the person God calls us to be entails doing everything with maximum effort. Thus, being a strong student academically was not about getting straight A’s to get into a good college. It was about growing intellectually so that you were prepared to go into the world as whomever God called you to be.  As a student, I was too young to truly appreciate this principle, though. 


 I ventured into a public high school with wide eyes. I had not given Holy Cross’s lesson any thought at that point. What I found in high school, however, was that Holy Cross’s lesson did not exist. Academia was not about becoming the best version of yourself here. It was about a standardized, regulated, set process in which a student took this test, participated in this amount of clubs and sports, got these grades all to be accepted to a good college, earn a degree, and get a job. This didn’t feel right to me. I knew there was more to school than tests and expectations. I soon learned to appreciate the insight Holy Cross gave me. I learned to apply it to high school and found myself succeeding tremendously, even though God seemed to be hard to find there. 


I graduated high school in 2013 and went on to pursue my dream of being a dancer. Holy Cross’s message to follow God’s calling helped me find the courage to do that. It’s not easy to forget everything that made Holy Cross special to me as I have since watched my sister graduate and continue to watch my mother teach and brother attend the school. Their joy coming home each day and their stories remind me of my amazing nine years at Holy Cross. They are not the only ones who remind me of those years though. At Holy Cross, I made the best friends anyone could ask for: kind-hearted, God-seeking, uplifting friends. I’ve been lucky enough to stay just as close with them as when I left Holy Cross and foresee us staying close forever, every now and then giggling and reminiscing about our Crusader days. 


Without Holy Cross, I would not be who I am today. The compassionate staff and students all reflected God’s love everyday. That is something sacred that cannot go unnoticed. It inspired me to be the best person I could be and always let God’s warmth glow in my heart.

— Emily Strickland, HCA Alumnus 2009


One of my favorite things about having children at Holy Cross is that it makes me a better person. I learn right along with them and become a better Catholic and a better person. As a mom, it makes it easier for me to let my children leave in the morning when I know that they will be in such a loving and nurturing environment at HCA. We consider having our children attend Holy Cross Academy to be one of the best decisions that we have ever made!  If you are looking for information about a specific part of HCA just let me know, I am sure I will have something positive to say about any part of HCA.

— Liz Sposato, HCA Mom 1999 - 2011


I just wanted to let you know that Joel and I are so very grateful for the wonderful year that our children have had at HCA. I know that you are very aware of the talented, selfless and dedicated staff that you have but I wanted to share a few thoughts with you. Both Joel and I feel that the school is a huge assist to parenting - in that it parallels and reinforces what we are trying to teach our children at home. Parenting is difficult in every age - we are not alone and have this tremendous resource to help guide us. In a society whose school system has abandoned prayer and the need for outwards signs of faith, it is vital that we make sacrifices to send our children to HCA, a school that speaks and shares the truth about Christ daily and does so without sacrificing academics - in fact, their academic program is strengthened by the development of moral character in its students and amazingly dedicated faculty and staff. I really could go on Sister, but just wanted to share our children's excitement and happiness. For Joel and me, the tuition at HCA is a great sacrifice but we know that our children are in a wonderful environment. The academics are strong, prayer and moral character are the foundation and a sense of love and security abound.
                                                                                                                                — Elena and Joel Doyle, HCA parents since 2000


Attending HCA since preschool through the 8th grade was the best decision we made for our kids. School administrators and teachers are not afraid to set high standards both for behavior and academics HCA is more than a school; it is a community that pulls together to help the academic growth as well as help form the spiritual foundation of our children that will be with them for the rest of their lives. HCA has taught my children that they are part of the larger world community and that they do not need to compromise their faith, that their words and actions reflect who they are and will ultimately determine who they become. Thank you, Holy Cross, for these gifts.

Mandar a nuestras hijas a HCA de preescolar al octavo grado fue la major decisión que pudimos tomar para nuestra familia. Los Administradores y maestros de la escuela establecen estándares tanto para el comportamiento como para el nivel academico. HCA es más que una escuela, es una comunidad que fomenta no solo el crecimiento académico, sino que ayuda a formar la base espiritual de nuestros hijos la cual tendrán para el resto de sus vidas. HCA les ha enseñado a mis hijas que ellas son parte de una comunidad mundial; y que no tienen que comprometer su fe para lograr lo que deseen, que sus palabras y acciones reflejan quienes son y son la vara que se usará en su medidas como personas. Gracias Holy Cross por estos dones.
                                                                                      — Roxana McCarthy, HCA Mom 1998-2010 and HCA teacher, 2003-2006 

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