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Outreach & Services

Service and Community Outreach are integral to Holy Cross Academy and St. Mary Preschool. Although it would be impossible to list all the service performed, a few highlights are listed below.

Hope Projects

Every year each class decides on a Hope Project. This project provides for the needy in a way chosen by the class. Students take great ownership of their class’s project and they frequently suggest groups in need of our assistance. As the students provide for a needy group, they are learning about them and growing in their global awareness and sense of responsibility.

Giving Tree

Since our opening in 1998, we have conducted an Advent Giving Tree for needy babies served through Catholic Charities and Mary's Shelter.  Because we are Pro-Life from conception to natural death, we believe that we need to help provide for our babies whose mothers cannot do so fully. Each student brings in a designated item that goes to the Baby Closet. This helps to care for our area babies for months to come.

Homeless Lunches

Every week a class makes lunches for the Thurman Brisben Center in Fredericksburg. Students bring in items and together with parent volunteers make sandwiches and bag lunches. These lunches are then delivered to the Brisben Center to help serve the areas homeless.

Catholic Schools Week

Because service and a caring heart are integral to Catholic education, a charity fundraiser is always part or our Catholic Schools Week celebration.  Most recently our students have participated in a jump-a-thon conducted by our physical education teacher and have donated the proceeds to Micah Ecumenical Ministries which serves the homeless and very poor in the Fredericksburg area.

St. Mary Preschool conducts an Advent collection for Birthright which also takes care of expectant Moms and their new babies.

© 2016 by Holy Cross Academy        250 Stafford Lakes Parkway          Fredericksburg, VA   22406          

Phone (540) 286-1600         Fax (540) 286-1625        

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