Holy Cross Academy is a non-profit 501(c)(3) pre-Kindergarten through grade 8 Catholic school. Your tax-deductible charitable donation will help to ensure the future of Catholic education, the mission of our school and to enrich our exceptional academic programs.
Holy Cross Academy now offers you the opportunity to contribute on-line. On this page you can explore the options available to you to continue supporting academic excellence and all our school can offer to your children. Thank you for making HCA available to all our children.
Buy SCRIP card
The potential in our parish's SCRIP program is unlimited. The program is so simple; you buy gift cards from a very large list of major and local retailers, after Masses or school, or even online. St. Mary's gets these gift cards at a discount and sells them to you at face value—and the parish gets the profit! St. Mary's dedicates all proceeds from SCRIP sales to keeping tuition costs low at Holy Cross Academy. Every year the program gets easier to use—now many cards are reloadable online, or able to be printed on your home computer. Please consider shopping at the SCRIP table or website before budgeting out your monthly spending and
when deciding on a special gift for someone!
Email with any questions and to get our enrollment code.
Learn more at
Boxtops for Education
Clip Box Tops from participating brands of foods and other products, too numerous to mention! Our school earns 10 cents cash for each box top! Turn them in any time or wait until February when we have a contest to see which classes turn in the most box tops.
Shop through the Box Tops Marketplace. When you begin your online shopping at the Box Tops Marketplace, our school will receive a percentage of the money that you spend. It does not cost any extra to shop this way!
If you sign up for the Box Tops newsletter, you can enter sweepstakes to win thousands of box tops for our school, and you can play games and watch short videos for additional box top credit.
Learn more at
Use GoodSearch
When you register at Good Search (and its related sites, GoodShop and GoodDining), every time you begin at GoodSearch to make an Internet search (instead of starting at, say, Google), our school earns about a penny. Think how quickly those pennies could add up to dollars—doing something we all do anyway—searching for information online! Be sure to sign up to benefit Holy Cross Academy; our charity ID number is 867954.
Learn more at
Holy Cross Athletics Dept.
Holy Cross Athletics is a wonderful program encouraging responsibility, physical fitness, good sportsmanship, and kindness. We have nine teams and several clubs that are all self-funded with over 150 students participating. Concessions, Spirit cart sales, and Chick-fil-A spirit days are a few ways we continue to fundraise for our student athletes. We are grateful for your support and generous donations throughout the year. Thank you very much!
Chocolate Candy Sale
Each Fall, the PTO runs a World’s Finest Chocolate Candy Sale. This fundraiser is mandatory for all HCA families. The funds from the candy sale support the many PTO activities that take
place throughout the school year including the New Parent Reception in August, Grandparents Day in October, Doughnuts with Dad in November and Muffins with Mom in May. In addition the PTO provides funds for classrooms supplies and a welcome back and Christmas luncheon for the faculty and staff.
HCA Auction/Gala
The Holy Cross Academy’s Biennial Benefit Auction Event will be held in 2024. The goal of this event is to fund the expansion of our school. If you are interested in helping with the 2024 Auction, please contact Rosa Martinez or any of our wonderful PTO Board to get involved!
For direct donation using credit card please use our online giving button.
For donation by check: please make checks payable to Holy Cross Academy and send to the school office.
Questions-please email: Mrs. Bekah Burke, Business Manager
For information regarding any giving event or program: Mrs. Rosa Martinez, PTO President