Holy Cross Academy
250 Stafford Lakes Parkway
Fredericksburg, VA 22406
540-286-1600 Phone
Holy Cross Academy Preschool
1009 Stafford Avenue
Fredericksburg, VA 22401
540-373-7553 Phone
540-371-0251 Fax
Dr. Stephen Fry
540-286-1600 ext. 200 Phone
Director of Preschool
Mrs. Sheri Castellarin
540-373-7553 Phone
Assistant Principal
Mrs. Angie Tomayko
540-286-1600 ext. 204 Phone
Mrs. Dina James
540-286-1600 ext. 203 Phone
Scheduling a Tour
Are you considering enrolling at our school? We would love the chance to give you a personal tour and show you what makes our school a wonderful place for our students and families. Please use the contact information on the left to contact either Mrs. Dina James for a tour of Holy Cross Academy or Mrs. Sheri Castellarin for a tour of Holy Cross Academy Preschool at St. Mary.
Maps and Directions